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Happy Hull

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What exactly is a Happy Hull Cover

Flexible hull protector covers that are designed to be left in a mooring. The vessel / boat then floats onto the cover. The cover is made from 3 part industrial strength flexible material. The upper & lower layers are highly resistant to UV damage and perfectly suited to the marine environment. The middle layer provides the flotation for the cover keeping it pressed against the boat hull. Once the boat has floated onto the cover the rear flap is pulled up stopping any further fresh water coming into contact with the hull. The lack of fresh water flow and oxygen starves the marine growth.

How is the product eco friendly

Anti-foul and copper-coating applied to the hull of a boat work by killing the the marine life that try to attach to the hull surface. The leeching affect of these products has ramifications across our marine eco systems - so much so that since Jan 2023 certain anti-foul products will be banned. 

Happy Hull does away with the the need for any toxic hull coatings. Once you have your hull smooth and clean just let the Happy Hull cover keep it that way.

How long does it last?

Happy Hull can last more than 15+ years.

The material is rated to withstand temperatures from -40 / +70 °C and is UV resistant.

Are Happy Hull covers sustainably produced?

Yes, they are. We weld together any offcuts to reuse on our next hull covers to ensure minimal wastage.

The flotation part of our products are proven as carbon negative. 

How does it compare to other products on the market

Happy hull has no electronics or complex mechanisms to fail. It is a simple, elegant design that works every time. No modifications need to be performed on your boat to use. It rolls up and can be stored easily if not being used all year round. Happy Hull needs no expertise to install and, covers for 10m and smaller boats, can be transported in an estate car easily.

Can the cover be personalised with our boat name?

Yes, it can. There will be a small additional cost for this service.

If there is trapped water touching the hull - will it still work?

Yes, it does. We actually designed the covers to allow a small amount of water to be present under the centre of the hull for easy entry and exit. The trapped water in the cover, once the rear flaps are pulled up, will minimise the marine life growth cycle due to the lack of fresh oxygen, UV light and nutrients being supplied. Simple but very effective!

For the cleanest hulls, and especially if leaving the boat unattended for a long period, we recommend pumping out the water from the rear with a our autopump system

Is anything else needed?

You will need mooring lines, mooring compensators and small fenders to secure and protect the cover - we can provide these at an additional cost. 

Do you provide a water pump?

We sell our a standalone autopump for an additional cost. This fits most outboard powered boats. It slots onto the transom and automatically drains the cover of sea, lake and rain water. For more details see here: http://happyhull.co.uk/autopump/

We sleep on our boat is that ok?

Absolutely. When the boat is docked on a happy hull you should sleep more soundly. Wave and water splashing noises against the hull are considerably reduced and, sometimes, totally eliminated. The extra beam of the protector also stabilises the boat further, making it less susceptible to rocking from passing boat wake.

How much does it cost?

The pricing for our PRO hull protectors starts at £120 / $150 per foot LOA. Prices are plus VAT or local tax. Check out our cost saving calculator to see how fast it will take you start saving £££ on your boat maintenance with a happy hull.

Is it easy to install?

In a word 'Yes'. A happy hull can be installed directly from your boat berth/dock in around 1 hour.

Can it be left in the water permanently?

Absolutely! This is what it is designed for. We recommend the PRO is left in the water all year round and the BASE is used seasonally. Check out our PRO vs BASE comparison. The underside can be jet washed or brushed to remove any marine growth every few years.


I like my hull sparkling clean, will it get stained?

Depending the area of the world your boat is moored in, water stains and marks are still likely to occur. Happy Hull is great at preventing marine growth but it can't stop dirt and slime occurring whilst moored up.

Top tips to keep your hull sparkling:

  • use our autopump system to remove the water out once the rear flaps are up
  • wash you boat down with fresh water and allow the wash down water to stay in the cover
  • use an environmentally safe and eco-friendly cleaning product when cleaning boat and allow to sit against the cover and hull to gently remove any stains / grime whilst moored up.
How does the boat float onto the hull cover?

The hull cover has been designed to provide enough flotation around the majority of the hull to stop growth. A central V-shaped section of the cover is slightly submerged in water allowing the boat to float easily on.

What will damage the hull protector?

Happy Hull protectors are super strong and are built to withstand years of use but there are few things that the user should avoid for maximum lifespan:

  1. Avoid direct contact with sharp edges that can rub and damage the material.
  2. Ensure mooring lines having mooring snubbers attached and allow enough slack for tidal movement etc.
  3. Stop propellors a minimum of 3ft / 1m away from protector. 
Will the Happy Hull ever sink?

In a word, No.

It is designed to be buoyant, even if involved in an accident. There are no inflatable sections to pop or go down over time.

Marine growth underneath can start to pull the HH down, but this can be removed in less than 10 mins with our flexi cleaning brush.

How should the cover be attached?

Loosely, allowing enough movement and travel to prevent any damage occurring. This allows flexibility to the changing of tides and minimises the risk of damage.  Small fenders should be attached between the HH any mooring contact points. 

How much do the covers cost?

Check out our cost saving calculator which will show you, not only, how much you will save using a Happy Hull, but will also given you an approx price per foot.  

What about the drive on pontoon alternatives?

There are plenty of drive-on pontoon alternatives - how do they compared to Happy Hull?

  • Expense - Happy Hull is up to 2/3's cheaper for a start. Our prices start at £2094+vat for a cover suitable for a jetski. The bigger the cover the bigger the saving compared to the alternatives.
  • Portability - no brainer! Happy Hull can be rolled up and taken with you to a holiday destination or stored at home when not in use. The modular floating docks do not fold away and would need a large garage or lockup to store. 
  • Ease of use - With Happy Hull you just float on, pull of the back flaps and tie off. You're done -  No noisy revving to get up the ramp. No sweating whilst trying to crank the winch and drag the boat up, or off, the pontoon. Happy Hull is about taking the stress our of mooring.
How is it shipped?

Generally sent via a pallet and can be shipped directly to your marina or home.

We ship worldwide.

Will it make me Happy?

Well, it certainly makes us happy, knowing we have extra money in our pockets for cheaper fuel bills, less maintenance costs and not poisoning our local marine life.


HAPPY HULL VS the rest...

Anti-foul options


Modular Dock System

Anti-foul paint

Effectively dry-docking your boat




Easy DIY install from dockside




Boat can stay in water 365/year




No risk of damage to hull


Dependant on hull

No harm to marine life




Can be easily stored for seasonal boaters



Can be transported in the boot car



Fully recyclable at end of life




10+ year expected lifespan




Aids stress-free docking


Can be stressful


Any experience level of boater can use


Need to be confident

Suitable from jetskis to 40ft+ boats




No boat weight limit




Sleep comfortably and level in marina berth


Boat usually sat at angle / leans


Protects hull and all ancillaries from marine growth




Protects boat from accidental damage in Marina




Marina friendly – Collapses out of way, in water, in a couple of minutes



Still all the nice sensations of the boat floating ‘in-the-water’ at dock.




Keeps boat speed and efficiency 100%



NO – slows boat by up to 10%

Catches overboard keys, phones and wallets at berth




Require boat to be lifted out the water for install




Need for annual applications




Family Run business




Initial Cost




Cost over 5 years taking into account: initial purchase price, annual lifts for anti-foul applications / anode replacements / bow-thruster etc


Happy Hull purchase price is usually covered by year 2-3, if not earlier, by way of saved maintenance and fuel costs


High purchase price won’t be covered for another 5 years compared to using anti foul paint options


repeat annual applications, plus anodes and ancillaries maintenance need upkeep

Happy to go ahead? - Here's how to order


Contact the Happy Hull team. Send us your vessel make / model and hull dimensions including hull extras e.g. trim tabs


Order your custom made Happy Hull protector and wait for your cover to be delivered.


FOR THE LAST TIME EVER! - Make sure your hull is clean, smooth and free from anything that can snag or catch on the cover.


Unpack, attach your mooring lines and float Happy Hull into your mooring. You are now ready to reap the benefits of Happy Hull covers.